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Toitonic OP t1_j5bbnr6 wrote

Alright thanks a lot for the advice. I will try the mortar cause I have no other choice unfortunately but I will take care when doing the pull-ups. And when I deal with brick walls again I know what to do from the start.


bms42 t1_j5bharo wrote

I'd be tempted to drill the existing holes out a little larger and epoxy large wood dowels into the voids, then predrill and lag bolt into those. Like 3/4" dowels.


Toitonic OP t1_j5bmolf wrote

Definitely an interesting idea. But wouldn't the epoxy Drip out of the hole cause it's liquid? Or would you seal the hole with tape while hardening the epoxy? I will also drill the holes bigger in the back either way (mortar or epoxy) to make the sealant itself like a dewel.


bms42 t1_j5bnnda wrote

The hole would mostly be full of dowel. Tape the opening during curing.