Deskco492 t1_j98lwbk wrote
you ever drywalled before?
If not, not to judge, but theres zero chance youre gonna skim coat the entire wall and get a lvl 5 finish (thats what a lvl 5 finish is).
anything less is not level 5, because that means your just feathering out the thickness introduced by the tape, which is then by definition, not a dead flat wall
Plus, zero chance your wall was lvl 5 to begin with, so you'll need to "improve" that too.
Id grab a 4" knife and some spackle, and smear it on the hole. Id sand it smooth, and repeat that 2-3 more times. by not using tape, you wont be building any thickness on the wall that requires much feathering. A .5" hole doesnt need tape anyway.
If youre not satisfied with the result, you can still slap some tape on there and proceed to attempt a skim coat if you want.
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