Submitted by yokashi-monta t3_11dl4ys in DIY

I had a plumber run a flexible natural gas line in my basement to a shut off valve that then feeds my gas cooktop. I'm thinking about adding a splitter, a run of about 15 feet with the same flexible line and then installing a connection on the exterior wall of my house (for a generator). Assuming it is done properly, are there generally any code or functionality issues with this?



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hijinks t1_ja999g1 wrote

no but it could be an issue if the line isn't big enough to support the generator running and the burners being on at the same time.


diablodeldragoon t1_ja9c1ag wrote

I've only seen generators tied in directly after the meter. You should probably check your local code to verify any regulations.


flapadar_ t1_ja9eo6a wrote

The pressure drop when both appliances are running can be dangerous. For a worst case example, your stovetop might be starved enough for the flame to go out, flooding your basement with gas.

You might be fine with not running both at once but the next owner of your house might go ahead and do just that, and blow up the house.

The pressure at your meter, the pipe size, distance and any bends are all factors which can come into play there.


kittenrice t1_ja9eosc wrote

15 feet of flex is a lot of flex and, I think, against code.

What you should do is measure about 15 times, then 10 or so more times to verify, then go up to the orange box, they'll cut and thread for you. Rent a pair of 18" pipe wrenches while you're there.

Or hire it out, I know it sucks, but they'll do a better job than you and you won't run into problems with legality or blown up houses later.


flapadar_ t1_ja9fcyv wrote

The gas being on but there being no flame. I've assumed the stove is in the basement just off what OP wrote, but it doesn't matter. Wherever the stove is would probably be leaking gas, unless it has an automatic shut off.

More risk than it's worth - better having a plumber calculate the safe pipe size/whether a new pipe run is required.


Not2daydear t1_ja9mx7o wrote

There are a lot of things that you can be frugal and cheap with. Gas connections are not one of them. If you have to come on Reddit and ask if there are any code violations that you should be worried about. How are you going to handle the transfer switch from the electrical panel to the generator? Do you even know how to do that without coming to Reddit? If you are using the generator, it is going to be a lot more gas than any stove would require. This is not a DIY unless you are in the trades and know exactly what you are doing.


Sometimes_Stutters t1_ja9tqh6 wrote

You need to hire a professional to hook your generator into your home anyways. May as well have them do the gas line as well.


New_Engine_7237 t1_ja9xy2g wrote

Check your local code. The gas fired gen I have seen are hard piped.


anon702170 t1_jaa1huk wrote

This may be a good way of invalidating your home insurance, if there were any issues. If it's visible, it may also get picked up by a Home Inspector, impacting resale.

I'll DIY lots of things, but gas isn't something I DIY.


cashew996 t1_jaa1nqt wrote

If the line is too small it could basically shut down every other gas fixture in the house when it kicks in, and may starve the generator for fuel at the same time.

A major add on to your gas line needs someone to measure your total run lengths and total btu's all into account before you even start.

I am a plumber that's very familiar with gas, but for insurance and liability purposes I would hire a licensed and insured company to do the work instead of doing it myself.

That way if something goes wrong you have some way to be made whole without coming out of pocket or being unable financially to repair the house when your insurance declines because you DIY'd it


Money-Whereas-8494 t1_jadhgwx wrote

Do not do it alone gas is very dangerous also don't work over 180 volts it takes a professional