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dxrey65 t1_jadsm0k wrote

If you can slip the gear off the bar, then maybe do that, mix up some JB Weld and slather the inside of the gear and the bar and slide it back on. That will usually stick well enough. I fixed a sewing machine gear that way about fifteen years ago, still holding fine.


jnemesh t1_jadtvj7 wrote

^ This. The answer is ALWAYS JB Weld. Or duct tape.


Max-Phallus t1_jaf1hx7 wrote

The answer is always something much better than an epoxy glue, or tape that leaves residue.


JooosephNthomas t1_jae0xoj wrote

My grandpa reapired a snow blower block when the bottom end let go with nothing but JB weld.... crazy fucking farmer, I still can't believe that shit ran... great stuff.