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Senior_Cheesecake155 t1_ja6cjpp wrote

I’m in the process of doing that to power an old car stereo and amp in my garage. It’s totally pointless, but fun regardless.


robertjpjr t1_ja6d12o wrote

Ya I've done that too. Wired up 4 old truck speakers to a homemade enclosure. I got about 50 old PC PSUs for $50 once. Made a bunch of benchtop power supplies for me and my buddies. You can get 12v 5v and 3v or hook up a buck controller and get variable voltage.


Senior_Cheesecake155 t1_ja7da72 wrote

Yeah. This started when I stripped down an old Dell desktop that I kept moving around my garage while waiting for an e-cycling day. I’m still trying to decide what to do with the fan (possibly cooking for the enclosure everything is going in).