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A_Plumber2020 t1_j9pmvp6 wrote

You need to replace that tank ASAP. If the crack opens up while you are out of the house, the fill valve will just continue to run and you will be looking at some serious flood damage.


cybertoothlion t1_j9ptuoa wrote

Unless you have really good insurance and want new floors anyway

I'll see myself out.


aircooledJenkins t1_j9qszbi wrote

In which case OP should delete this post and probably their account.


111111911111 t1_j9rn54r wrote

No insurance company is scrolling reddit looking for months old posts to pair up with a current claim for flood damage... that may or may not have enough identifying information to link to their client. Lol, wtf man, you live in a paranoid world.


whodeyalldey1 t1_j9rvo67 wrote

Way way worse is if that toilet splits while you’re on it and a razor sharp piece of porcelain cuts you to the femur as you fall. I saw a NSFW picture where that happened to someone once and it’s been a fear ever since.