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Mildly_Angry_Biscuit t1_jaax1px wrote

My cutoff is if any of the structural wood is wiped out (i.e., rotted, termite infested). Most everything else is generally easily replaceable. It looks like T1-11 siding, which is easy stuff to knock out and replace if chewed up, and its not terribly expensive. Replacing the doors - heck, just use a few pieces of that T1-11 and make doors out of it. The shingles look to be close to the end of their life - You could replace those (and replace any sheathing underneath) without much effort), then go either with shingles, a metal/plastic roof, or even roll roofing (although that doesn't necessarily looks terribly attractive, it'll work). Either way, this looks like a great project shed. If it were me - if that giant evergreen wasn't hugged up next to it, I'd be dreaming of putting solar on it, getting some batteries, and putting power to it!


crabapplesteam OP t1_jabhy5f wrote

That's mind-blowing you could spot T1-11 siding like that - holy crap. Thanks for all the comments - I'll certainly do some more research and document the project so i can post it on this sub. I love that solar idea - despite the tree it actually does get quite a bit of natural sunlight, so it might be worth looking into. Thanks again for the great ideas!