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Shillforbigusername t1_ivks49a wrote

Clinton was the worst thing to happen to the Democrats. It was during his Presidency that the party transformed into one that is Liberal in social policy only. Clinton even accomplished things Regan couldn’t when it came to free trade agreements and deregulation. Most modern Democratic voters don’t know about that backslide, though, because they compare the modern D Party to the modern R Party (which is obviously to the Right of Ds) rather than to what it was before neoliberalism nearly fully subsumed them.

And yes, there are some new policies that are more progressive/Left than old ones pre-90s, but many of these are being fought for in uphill battles.


hamilton_morris t1_ivlpggs wrote

Couldn't agree more. I think it's partially accounted for in generational terms too; that the boomers of the Clinton cohort could embrace or reject establishmentarian values arbitrarily, and in a way that yet preserved their own interests and investments.