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deja_vuvuzela t1_j8770u8 wrote

I think the commenter is trying to make two points here: autism is a genetic/developmental thing. The idea that it is acquired by some GI aberration, or maybe vaccines, is a solidly refuted hypothesis. A lot of harm has been done by snake oil salesmen selling enemas, chelation therapy, etc to desperate parents of individuals with autism. Secondly, they are asserting that ASD is only called a disease because parts of the neurodivergent spectrum of humanity have been pathologized by our society. Compare it to homosexuality: also once called a disease and also likely tied to genetic and/or developmental processes, but no longer stigmatized by that medical designation.


rustyphish t1_j87qmir wrote

> Compare it to homosexuality

I mean, that would be ridiculous lol

For some reason, whenever these discussions pop up people only ever address highly functioning autistic people. Autism at its most severe can leave humans completely incapable of taking care of themselves without a full-time guardian. Level 3 autism often presents as completely nonverbal, and with little/no control over motor function.