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funnyfaceguy t1_j8iza1o wrote

The study you mention does not claim or supply evidence for a casual relation between gut health causing autism.

It provides evidence for a treatment that reduces autism symptoms. That does not have inherent implication on gut health causing Autism.

I can treat the flu with an antihistamine, that doesn't mean the presents of histamine causes the flu.


MaximilianKohler t1_j8k91hh wrote

That's not accurate at all. You may want to take some time looking through the wiki in my profile.


funnyfaceguy t1_j8kbtrc wrote

I took a look and the ones providing any evidence for causality are all studies done on mice that are highly speculative. Even the studies authors encourage caution about jumping to any conclusions.

In not trying to discredit the research, but it's far too early to make any definitely claims from so I think the original comments skepticism is warranted.

Although it's obvious from your profile that you're far from partisan on the matter.