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LEGALIZE__KROKODIL t1_j8yr2v7 wrote

Some of the smartest people have been saying this shit for years only to get ignored...makes you wonder what else "conspiracy theorists" will be right about.


yogurtfuck t1_j8z47va wrote

That is so huge a false equivalency it has its own gravitational pull.


Gaskii t1_j8zqqnw wrote

Nope, I'm pretty sure since a bunch of people were right about this, then it's true that 5G underground alien illuminati lizard angels did 9/11


Kevonfor t1_j90niig wrote

You're being ridiculous on purpose.

Everyone knows that the 5G underground alien lizard angels are freemasons and not illuminati !


anotherjustlurking t1_j8zyibq wrote

It doesn’t make me wonder about anything…and who are some of the smartest people?


Atcollins1993 t1_j8zum5l wrote

You’re being downvoted by people that are sensationalizing the concept, I see what you’re saying brotha. The outlandish conspiracies are more akin to creative comedy or a big imagination and they give the whole topic a very bad rap.

Time and time again some of these unconventional ideas are proven to be unequivocally true, and that’s a fact. It’s fascinating to think about what we all might find out be true one day! Fun thought exercise at least, and there’s absolutely nothing that’s inherently wrong with that. Questioning the status quo is effectively the basis of science as an entire field!


Dapaaads t1_j91duw2 wrote

I mean the whole conspiracy theory term came from people talking the mk ultra mind control experiments in the 80s….they were right.


Slick424 t1_j91i6df wrote

> and there’s absolutely nothing that’s inherently wrong with that.

Tell that the millions of people that had to die because of an conspiracy theory where a small religious minority is secretly masterminding everything bad happening.

>Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities Can Make You Commit Atrocities

-- Voltaire


Atcollins1993 t1_j91u4vs wrote

That’s human behavior you’re referring to, it’s like saying that apples = potatoes.