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grunge022 t1_ja3kpac wrote

I like how people in the comments blame the political party that's not theirs for media manipulation but never blame their own. Just goes to show how brainwashed everyone is 🤡


Starsuponstars t1_ja4a70e wrote

"The other party is a bunch of corporate stooges, but not my party! If everybody would just vote for my party, we could all have nice things!"


McGauth925 t1_ja4aoo4 wrote

Make that "we", and I'll agree with you.

Your comment is more of the same: all those OTHER people are influenced and brainwashed.


mirh t1_ja7c8ti wrote

It's almost like one party was just fine with antitrust and representation laws, while another was about maximum deregulation except when minorities also get to enjoy any benefit.