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speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_ja40v1w wrote

I'm confused.

> I always laugh at how right and left meet in the middle.

Don't the US right and "left" meet somewhere on the right?

There still is a very small true left, I guess you could be referring to us?

> All these conservative friends talking about media conspiracies, and i say it isn't a conspiracy. It has been documented and discussed for decades by none other than your friends on the left.

Does something stop being a conspiracy when it's documented and discussed?


McGauth925 t1_ja4a8xo wrote

Does something stop being a conspiracy when it's documented and discussed?

No, but it might stop being seen in the same way that a "conspiracy theory" is often seen - that is, not really believed by many people, but actually the overwrought imaginings of a mind that sees conspiracies behind every door.


GlitchSurfer t1_ja782gu wrote

> Does something stop being a conspiracy when it's documented and discussed?

When it's being done in the open from the beginning? Yes, because the key component of a conspiracy is that it's designed to be secret.


GodoftheGodcreators t1_ja74hzn wrote

Conspiracy involves at least some level of secrecy, otherwise it's just a pact


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_ja7c9lp wrote

If it starts with some Ievel of secrecy, does it stop being a conspiracy when it's documented and discussed?


GodoftheGodcreators t1_ja7ner1 wrote

Well yes. If everyone knows about your secret plans then they're not very secret anymore


speaks_truth_2_kiwis t1_ja9elgd wrote

>Well yes. If everyone knows about your secret plans then they're not very secret anymore

source re: it stops being a conspiracy.


GodoftheGodcreators t1_jadcqnk wrote

agreed. it's just that often people confuse conspiracy with conspiracy theory and people are led to believe that all of the latter is some ridicilous tin foil lunacy when in fact conspiracies are very real.