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McGauth925 t1_ja49vmm wrote

Also, check out Inventing Reality, something something something, by Michael Parenti.

People don't like to think this, in a culture that touts individualism, but we really are sheep - AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. We survive because of other people. There is next-to-nothing that we don't get because of other people. We are social beings, and that is one of our major assets.

But, it can so easily be used against us.

In fact, we are INFLUENCED to prize our individuality - by other people. It's a value that we got from other people, along with all our other beliefs and values. If everybody thinks they're an individual, how individualistic is that, actually?

So, we are highly susceptible to the social engineering conducted by the people who want us to act in ways that benefit them. Media is one of the main ways in which that engineering is accomplished. Thus, what we think of as reality was presented to us, and continually corroborated by much that we see around us. Nothing that doesn't support that version of reality is presented in the MSM that serves its owners and advertisers, along with the people who they share interlocking corporate board memberships with, but is relegated to low-traffic, alternative news sources few read, and many doubt.


flanderdalton t1_ja6szjp wrote

Piggy backing to say, people need to watch Michael Parenti's lecture in 1986 (commonly known as yellow parenti).


Throwmedownthewell0 t1_ja7jced wrote

Adding to this and u/Starskeet people should watch all of Adam Curtis' documentaries like Century of the Self.

Through in Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle, Antonio Gramsci collected works, Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism and the granddaddy of it all Edward Bernays' Propaganda.

It's freeing in a nihilist sort of way.