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t1_jczlfpe wrote

Mustard and Lupine. My nose runs just looking at this picture.


t1_jcztncg wrote

Now get ready for the influencer hordes trampling all flowers for internet likes.


OP t1_jczxwc5 wrote

Can't wait! Really surprised these BLM or state park areas don't send a lot of their law enforcement to ticket people during these years.


t1_jd2ts9h wrote

The problem is probably staffing. A lot of those agencies (especially at a state level) are understaffed/underfunded. Issuing citations would help with the underfunded part but then you need staff to actually do the issuing lol


OP t1_jd3ca1w wrote

Guaranteed. It's just one of the most frustrating things about going to see these blooms - kinda like the other side of the coin. You'll see amazing flowers and you'll see people trampling in them.


t1_jd3cec9 wrote

In Temecula, I believe they will arrest you now if you attempt to go where the golden poppies are.


t1_jd4vo1i wrote

Oh absolutely. The last poppy super bloom didn't last long with every wannabe social media star rolling around in them. This year will be worse. For anyone that would just like to see, I would suggest taking a look soon.


t1_jd10ni9 wrote

Now we wait for all the stupid influencers to come tramping around and demolish it all for the sake of a photo.


t1_jd2uckc wrote

An officer died during the last superbloom trying to control people from doing just that. Many areas have subsequently banned humans from parking nearby.


OP t1_jd16z9g wrote

I'm glad I went there when I did, people don't know about it quite yet so crowds were minimal. Still want to go back during peak though!


OP t1_jczjem8 wrote

It's no secret anymore, California gets that special S-word in the spring after a wet winter (preceded by so many drought winters). I don't think its at peak yet in this location, but I had to drive out there while I was down in the area to check. This hillside is the only one that really looked like this, when I saw the bloom in 2019 it was darn near every hillside. More pics will be coming on my Insta! @seanaimages

Wish I could've gotten a better foreground, but we were staying BEHIND the barbed wire fences. Stay off the damn flowers if you choose to visit!


t1_jd1yhos wrote

Is this considered a super bloom? I heard earlier in the year that might be in the cards


OP t1_jd3bzgd wrote

There's no actual quantifiable "this is a super bloom" aside from a human saying "yeah this is one"

I wouldn't say this is one, but I also wouldn't say I was there during peak. The one in 2019 was much bigger.


t1_jd0mh49 wrote

Oooohhh i need to go back to the state park now. I went last month and it hasn’t bloomed yet :D


OP t1_jd0pr6p wrote

Go in about 10-14 days, I think it'll peak around then

That is if we're thinking of the same one


t1_jd0r0mj wrote

Sounds great. Not sure if we are talking about the same one but this one did get featured in some blogs about wild flower blooms before. It has a trail going up a hill :D


OP t1_jd0rkit wrote

Hahaha nope probably a different one. I'm guessing your blooms will be a little earlier but similar time line- don't know first hand though


t1_jd0t5gf wrote

The kiddo’s spring break is the end of the month so I’ll probably take them there next week to check :D


t1_jd2igl2 wrote

Seeing them all over here. It’s spectacular.


OP t1_jd3c2bj wrote

Just driving around through the right areas can be pretty magical


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t1_jd07x9z wrote

I live near the wild flowers. Last major bloom we had more people visit in a day than Disneyland. The roads and infrastructure were not designed for that much traffic. It was gridlocked for 10+ hrs. Locals took to vandalizing the cars illegally parked ( which was all of them). This year they closed it off and barricaded the access road. Keeps the crowds safe and them from trampling all the flowers.


t1_jd0jgft wrote

Already? Is this from a few years ago?


OP t1_jd0kqmk wrote

Yes, but it's not at peak yet. Hard to tell when that will be or if will reach the same levels that 2019 did.


t1_jd1sotx wrote

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t1_jczjga1 wrote

This looks like mustard to me, which is an invasive species that has been choking out the California poppy.

I hope it's not.


OP t1_jczjv3g wrote

The yellows in the background may be Mustard, couldn't get close enough to tell. I have seen plenty of Mustard blooms along the roads this spring though.

This hillside area doesn't seem to have many poppies, even in the areas the Mustard isn't in either. Those are much more common further south.


t1_jd3q6oq wrote

Where does one go in SoCal to see this bloom?