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maddcatone t1_jbksxe8 wrote

Really wish Tufa wasn’t so rare. I learned all to late how nice it is to use for terrariums, aquariums and decorative plantings/mountings. Moss also grows SOOO well on it. Alas mono lake is the only Place I know of where it can be found these days and you can’t collect it anymore. Artificial tufa sucks in comparison


randomcanyon t1_jbkui84 wrote

I have seen these tufa tower way out of the water when you can walk around them. This summer the lake will probably be very high and the Tufa will be out "there". I never took any Tufa from Mono Lake for my rock gardens. You can find Calcium deposits out at Pyramid Lake Nevada. A less salty lake, It has huge fish. It is out on an Native American area and is north of Reno NV on the East slope of the Sierra.


TravelingPhotoDude t1_jblm1fs wrote

Yep, and the Top Gun school is out that way so as you are driving to Pryamid Lake you can sometimes see them flying in the sky. Also Frey Ranch Bourbon is my absolute favorite Bourbon. My parents live in South Lake Tahoe and I love heading that way when I'm back visiting.