Submitted by overloadimages t3_11ptmqm in EarthPorn
deepkick120 t1_jbztpaa wrote
thefourthhouse t1_jbzuenc wrote
North Eastern Pennsylvania
NarcissisticCat t1_jc08fke wrote
What the fuck is even that title?
thefourthhouse t1_jc08swn wrote
>“In like a lion, out like a lamb” has always seemed a straightforward enough proverb: when March starts, it’s still winter, and by the end of the month spring has begun. True, in many climates the weather hasn’t quite reached the lamb stage by the end of the month—it’s more like a surly cat, maybe, or one of those awful territorial honking geese. But we get the idea. I have seen the phrase referred to as an “eighteenth-century saying” in more than one unreliable Internet source, while Wikipedia calls it “an old Pennsylvania” saw.
Keepitrealhomes t1_jc0fje8 wrote
Username oddly specifically checks out
Keepitrealhomes t1_jc0fm7p wrote
Guess I learned a new phrase today that I will absolutely misuse
mezz7778 t1_jc0n0qf wrote
Still can't spot the lion?..
Shoeler09 t1_jc0o5ny wrote
New England Pale Ale
I-seddit t1_jc0pxxc wrote
I know. I spent 15 damn minutes trying to find the snow lion.
TheAdaquatePretender t1_jc0rm5c wrote
Spends five minutes looking for a lion.
txhoudini t1_jc0s50y wrote
Found it!
rusty317 t1_jc0v4ck wrote
Absolutely love NEPA! I just moved to Colorado from PA and one of the last things I did before moving here was go to Ricketts Glenn State Park. The trail is easy as can be and the whole time you’re right next to a nice creek that has MULTIPLE waterfalls on the trail.
Sinnemahoning is also a gem with worlds end state park. Appalachia is beautiful.
Bradipedro t1_jc1bwlc wrote
[deleted] t1_jc1cdsv wrote
Ucantseemine t1_jc1cf1v wrote
[deleted] t1_jc1cfqq wrote
overloadimages OP t1_jc1n6sj wrote
"The big cats are out there man"
KJ0797 t1_jc1tu3h wrote
Whereabout in NEPA is this?
GreenPlantFanatic t1_jc1wf6y wrote
National Environmental Policy Act
[deleted] t1_jc28yyo wrote
MSmasterOfSilicon t1_jc2hoet wrote
Narcissistically Expected People's Awareness? Or they forgot the space
MSmasterOfSilicon t1_jc2ht7q wrote
Cool pic though
Fun_Lingonberry_2032 t1_jc2yzqd wrote
Spent time doing OTR on the East Coast years ago. Never realized how beautiful Pennsylvania was in the summer.
AutoModerator t1_jbzp0gz wrote
Hi overloadimages! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
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