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DipThemBallz OP t1_iqxrt82 wrote

Nope I dont own a drone yet! The hike to that spot takes around an hour and then you can walk freely alongside the cliff which is super cool!


imapassenger1 t1_iqxutrw wrote

Great! Thanks. I didn't want to get a drone but I see so many amazing photos from Iceland from angles I think that must be from drones. I'll add that walk to my itinerary.


[deleted] t1_iqyl8ys wrote

Which hike is this? Looks very similar to a gorge/canyon area along the Fimmvorduhals trail.


DipThemBallz OP t1_iqzspaf wrote

Never heard of these to be honest haha. If you paste the location into Google maps you can already see the trail that leads up to that spot if that helps :)


sonic_couth t1_iqz57nm wrote

Can you hike up the canyon?


DipThemBallz OP t1_iqzsho2 wrote

If you look at the picture you can hike all the way up to the top left part of the canyon. You can't walk down into the valley though.


sonic_couth t1_ir072dc wrote

I did look at the picture and it wasn’t, and still isn’t, clear how much further you could go.
