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DieLegende42 t1_itx2r8a wrote

There's a few things that don't quite check out here:

>on the hiking trail

You don't hike up the Schreckhorn. It's a serious mountain that requires rock climbing of UIAA degree III at the very least

>from Lauterbrunnen

You wouldn't ascend the Schreckhorn from Lauterbrunnen. You'd just have to cross into the Grindelwald valley first

>Four to five hours

Obviously not. It's almost 2000 metres above the closest hut, nevermind Lauterbrunnen, which is another 1500 metres further down and 15 kilometres away as the bird flies

>the last gondola down

There are no gondolas anywhere near the Schreckhorn

I heavily suspect you are not actually talking about the Schreckhorn.


appenz t1_itx7bc1 wrote

Maybe Schilthorn? Also starts with "Sch" and is doable in a half day from Lauterbrunnen.

And 100% agree that he wasn't talking about Schreckhorn. I have hiked in the Bernese Alps and done some of the easier technical climbs. Schreckhorn is one of the hardest peaks in the area.


buckeye837 t1_itxgf8n wrote

Schilthorn is probably it. That's the one with the James Bond restaurant at the top