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psunavy03 t1_it5cpw5 wrote

Member when we didn't freaking HAVE a "wildfire season?" I member.


eleanorstonkle t1_it5nucm wrote

Right? I've lived in Washington my whole life and this is so weird and no one where I live seems willing to acknowledge that this never used to happen and it blows my mind. 2020 was by far the worst where I am, but this week has also been really bad.


psunavy03 t1_it5pdd1 wrote

This whole year seems to have been bad. But yeah, I never saw this before 2017.

Edit: I first moved to Washington in 2006 and Iā€™m being downvoted for describing my lived experience. Never change, Reddit.


GrizDrummer25 t1_it7dvfi wrote

I moved to Montana in 2008. Have a free upvote to combat the ignorant, my PNW neighbor :)


17top t1_it64s35 wrote

Kim worried that from now on we will have two seasons: rain and smoke :(


goinupthegranby t1_it7zvwy wrote

I'm 37 and grew up and still live in interior BC, not far from Spokane. Wildfire season was always a thing but it was super rare for it to get really bad. Now it's really bad more years than it isn't. Its nothing like it used to be and I hate it when people bullshit like it's nothing new.


mattenthehat t1_it5yzav wrote

You guys got it way worse than us (California) this year. Spooky stuff. I was kinda thinking about moving up there (sorry) to run from the fires, but maybe I should just keep on truckin all the way to Juneau or something...