Submitted by cardboardwind0w t3_z3uj9a in EarthPorn
cardboardwind0w OP t1_ixnr2u2 wrote
It's actually roasting, if you zoom in closely you will see me sunbathing butt naked in the distance.
4_bit_forever t1_ixnwxhg wrote
There's the rock I lost! I've been looking for it...
Pump_N_Dump t1_ixnx4hh wrote
This hurt my feet to look at.
JacLaw t1_ixnz6hp wrote
I'm scared to zoom in, your naked butt might look like mine 🤣🤣🤡
SummerJaneG t1_ixo9j31 wrote
Where on the Atlantic?
cardboardwind0w OP t1_ixodo8v wrote
Mullet peninsula rough or tough
SummerJaneG t1_ixoe6a0 wrote
Thanks. My silly American brain thought “I’ve never seen an Atlantic Coastline like that!”
But I’ve never been on YOUR side of the Atlantic’s coastline. This looks like the lake rocks in Glacier National Park, though…Montana, USA.
cardboardwind0w OP t1_ixoeiwd wrote
Hey neighbour, I'm only 3000 miles away across the pond, it's great to meet ya. You're only a stones throw away 😉
SummerJaneG t1_ixoeoki wrote
Oooh, if I look out my window I think I can just see you waving! You have on a green scarf, yes?
cardboardwind0w OP t1_ixoetcl wrote
Yes that's me happy thanksgiving
I_Like_Coookies t1_ixp4e47 wrote
Hey, in Atlantic Canada, the rocks look the same! That's pretty neat!
mrsfukkinwolf t1_ixr7r05 wrote
>Mullet peninsula
came to say this looks like Scots Bay in Nova Scotia
AutoModerator t1_ixno0uo wrote
Hi cardboardwind0w! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
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