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chacotoday t1_ix3phvq wrote

these fractal patterns are everywhere. the same pattern can be seen from aerial views of snow, on leaves, snowflakes and crystals, rivers, etc. they're almost universal a characteristic of nature. of course the conspiracy theory minded latch onto anything, even common natural phenomena, to push their insane narratives


pielz t1_ix3tlgm wrote

And there's the melted structures conspiracy as well. Have you seen that? Lol!


Agent_023 t1_ix410ly wrote

Ok I'm feeling like rabbit hole diving, go on please..


TheRealTP2016 t1_ix49ahe wrote

rabbit holes! r/escapingprisonplanet


Agent_023 t1_ix4bwbk wrote

woah woah woah... so like some kind of modern day catharism?


ThizzKing t1_ix4d0ng wrote

Holy shit, thank you for this craziness


TheRealTP2016 t1_ix4zzzb wrote

r/glitch_in_the_matrix r/quantumimmortality r/thetruthishere r/pastlives r/reincarnation


TheRealTP2016 t1_ix498x4 wrote

it’s literally just physics and math. Everything interacts based on math/physics. it makes sense that the fractals of water look similar to fractals of electricity, given both are energy (all matter is energy)