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gsvnvariable t1_iyqenbn wrote

I never thought I’d ever see Vacaville in this sub 😆


posikid t1_iyr3wfc wrote

a couple surprising little gems in that area. rockville which is in fairfield is way prettier than anyone passing through could imagine


Cronenberg_Rick t1_iys2fly wrote

Agreed. Rockville park has some great short trails. A lot of mountain bikes use the trails now though.


BlackCoffeeGarage t1_iyrd6cw wrote

I'm surprised too! But I lived in Dixon as a teen, and once you get away from the sheepshaggers and strip malls the foothills are actually quite nice.


CJ_Thompson t1_iyt50nt wrote

Vacaville is the home of the strip mall with all the outlet malls and big-box stores…