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jkr135i t1_j257zid wrote

You should see it from the Argentina side. Probably the most amazing place I’ve been to.


dcowboy31 OP t1_j25bae5 wrote

I did also go to the Argentina side! I liked the Brazilian side better for photography but the Argentina side is a much better experience with more to see.


surlygoat t1_j24yd0f wrote

Stunning. It's so hard to capture the sheer power and volume of iguazu. This does as well as any photo I've seen.

It's literally the most amazing place I've ever been in all my travels and this photo brings it back beautifully. Well done.


dcowboy31 OP t1_j251axb wrote

Thanks so much! One of the most amazing places I've been to as well. Crazy how much there is to explore


dcowboy31 OP t1_j24mrvn wrote

A lesser shown view shot from the Brazilian side. The sky opening up after days of rain.

16mm, f13, 1/4s, ISO 100

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gu_butler t1_j285hpt wrote

Woah! stunning shots.


mmmke t1_j287lqb wrote

Thought this was Far Cry for a sec