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dwaynereaves1 OP t1_j0vohly wrote

It was 26 at the time with a 20 mph wind! All the rocks were Ice Covered all weekend!


Haywood_jablowmeeee t1_j0vxoco wrote

They’re closing parts now. Black Balsam Knob and Pisgah Inn drives are closed. I once asked Parkway Headquarters if I could drive a snowmobile up to Black Balsam Knob if the Parkway was closed. I wanted to get photos of deep snow. Answer: yes, as long as I told the ranger where I was going.


dwaynereaves1 OP t1_j0vzr3e wrote

I would love to do that! I am sure the tunnels have some ice in them by now and with the winds they are predicting the next few days I can understand why the higher elevations are starting to close