TritonTheDark OP t1_j1s2ukz wrote
Camera settings: 60mm, f/10, 1/60s, ISO 250
Going to this place was one of the best decisions of my life, and one of the best trips I've ever done. Typically it's more popular with rock climbers, but we went in the beginning of September which meant we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Not to mention beautiful autumn colors and no bugs! We experienced all sorts of weather, including snow squalls, rain, high winds, sub zero temperatures and beautiful blue skies. It is extremely remote with lots of logistics to deal with for getting there, but it's worth every bit of effort and money.
If you'd like to see more from this trip I have them posted on my website.
Ok_Associate_1042 t1_j1s7lak wrote
Where the fuck is this? Mordor?
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1s9ttf wrote
It's the Cirque of the Unclimbables in Northwest Territories, Canada :)
Clinggdiggy2 t1_j1sfp5s wrote
The main wall for the climbing community here is the Lotus Flower Tower, the flat looking one in the middle of the group of 3 on the left. Bucket list climb for sure.
JGCities t1_j1su2pg wrote
Does seriously look like something from LOTRs
We owe those movies a lot for showing us some insanely beautiful (real) places that most of us will never get to see in person.
Ok_Associate_1042 t1_j1syri1 wrote
Incredible photography OP, Canada isn’t on here enough. Beautiful country
[deleted] t1_j1t9nih wrote
wow, that doesn't even look real. looks like something made up for a movie or something.
ListenupJames t1_j1thls1 wrote
Cool desktop background for sure.
DCtheBREAKER t1_j1thm67 wrote
Looks like terribly unstable face. I can see cleavage marks and rock fall scars that are pretty fresh
ptpd t1_j1tj0y0 wrote
I thought it was unclimbable?
Clinggdiggy2 t1_j1tjfzp wrote
The way the story goes, the mountaineer that "discovered" the range was frustrated he couldn't summit the mountains, as he was a mountaineer not a climber, so he named them the unclimbables. Ironically enough, just over 5 years later it saw its first ascent. It's now considered one of the 50 best climbs of North America,
Soulfromthestars t1_j1tk0yi wrote
Someone should polish those mountains
jonny_211 t1_j1tmfrt wrote
Pardon my ignorance but what is the difference between a mountaineer and a climber, don't they both climb things?
andrerav t1_j1tnzn9 wrote
>Canada isn’t on here enough
Are you being serious now? I would say the opposite -- this sub needs more content from the rest of the world. USA and Canada are well covered here already.
OriginalUseristaken t1_j1torkf wrote
I think the difference is in the kind of climbing. Like vertical wall or just a mountain.
Clinggdiggy2 t1_j1toz6w wrote
You're absolutely right, in both instances You're climbing things (even the same mountain occasionally) it's just the means by which you get there. The TL;DR explanation is "climbing" is specifically centered around vertical cliffs, while mountaineering is a more all-encompasing sport focused on sumitting mountains. Basically climbing is more specific than mountaineering.
If you're curious to know more, look into the Yosemite Decimal System, it is how climbs/mountains are rated in difficulty (in the US) and gives a quick numerical value as to how hard a mountain is to summit (via a particular route) and gives a rough idea of what to expect.
enterich t1_j1tw3op wrote
r/restoftheworldporn is pretty much dead sadly
kosmoludek t1_j1txhyh wrote
>just a mountain.
tiago_nc t1_j1txoem wrote
Looks like a screenshot from Asgard in GoW Ragnarok
heywoodjbloughmi t1_j1u4b3r wrote
You have some serious photography skills! I’m a fan!
Chromattix t1_j1u5tu1 wrote
Yeah I thought this was a digital matte painting at first.
Chromattix t1_j1u5xyf wrote
The rubble at the bottom is an interesting example of how forcefully the rocks come down. They're piling up into a ridge, probably because they just keep tumbling until they smack into it and probably even get launched up it to make the higher parts.
Foxfire2 t1_j1u8nx3 wrote
This looks to be granite, which is pretty stable and climbable as far as rock faces go. So yes, rock sections do occasionally fall, even some really big ones, but not likely to be a problem during a climb, they happen more in the depth of winter and during storms. The small handholds and cracks will hold body weight and placed equipment will hold seriously long falls on them.
thetomahawk42 t1_j1ucfbb wrote
That's one edge of the map found...
FalloutAssasin t1_j1ue348 wrote
True, I hope VR becomes cheap eventually.
toastibot t1_j1ue7kk wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
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asimonv t1_j1uw6ec wrote
Canada's Torres del Paine.
[deleted] t1_j1uzy3i wrote
Eswyft t1_j1v1wpn wrote
It's fairly inexpensive now and I'll tell you it doesn't come fucking close.
Eswyft t1_j1v1zvs wrote
The same very touristy places from canada are on here a lot. There is a lot more out there that doesnt get upvoted or posted at all.
ofrm1 t1_j1vi3cd wrote
Aah, the Ragged Range. I'm so happy that I see this on here so rarely because it means it's still relatively unknown and untouched. You basically need to charter an aircraft to get to the Logan Mountains.
kingtitusmedethe4th t1_j1vnbnn wrote
VR games are fun, but the climbing movies and other outdoorsy stuff is always so lame. Even when its edited well to look super 3D. Just makes me feel like im in a dystopia.
gu_butler t1_j1vular wrote
What a breath taking view. What camera are you using?
brett1081 t1_j1w4b9w wrote
Great shot of the Lotus Flower Tower.
[deleted] t1_j1w7cd4 wrote
billythekido t1_j1w7uxu wrote
Views like that should never been taken for granite!
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1w94m6 wrote
Thank you!
Although Canada is definitely on here all the time (even if it's mostly the same/popular spots).
artwarrior t1_j1w9bc1 wrote
It would be so easy to have this info in the headline but nope. What you say moderators ?
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1w9wq7 wrote
They are pretty stable granite faces as far as I know.
The main danger is ice/snow detaching and crashing down, which is why these are summer climbs. We watched (and heard) this happen while hanging out in one of the meadows, was awesome. Sounds like thunder.
soupyhands t1_j1w9xfx wrote
you mean the information OP provided?
FYI titles cannot be changed on reddit
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wa35b wrote
You take your update, dad
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wa82e wrote
I can't ever see it blowing up. It's too hard to access and Parks Canada does a pretty good job of managing the visitor load. In fact it's actually gotten harder to access since there is no longer a relatively affordable helicopter in there.
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wauzc wrote
Thank you, glad you enjoyed the image so much!
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wazks wrote
They filmed a bunch for one of the Star Trek movies here!
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wb9qo wrote
Thank you so much!
ofrm1 t1_j1wfxcj wrote
Kluane doesn't offer a floatplane to Glacier lake anymore? Or have they just raised their prices dramatically?
shuckster t1_j1wl9x9 wrote
That’s a pretty sweet mountain.
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1wldkn wrote
He's still running his float plane, but he no longer runs his helicopter. The price has gone up quite a bit but it's still a damn good price considering the flying time and the free lodging/food/beer.
There are other spots in the park I want to access but it's gonna be a huge pain in the ass without his helicopter, or a huge pain in the wallet bringing in a helicopter from farther away 😂
ofrm1 t1_j1x5es3 wrote
Yeah. I heard he dropped his helicopter, probably because it wasn't financially worth the maintenance cost to keep it in working condition. I mean, the helicopter is just about required unless you're fine with carrying the bags up to Fairy Meadows which I've heard is a nightmare. Perhaps you can give some insight as to how bad that was to get to the Cirque.
TritonTheDark OP t1_j1xnm7v wrote
The hike is steep but it's not terrible in normal conditions. Unfortunately I did it with a fucked up knee, so between that and carrying 60lbs up there was a good amount of pain and suffering involved haha. But otherwise would have been fine.
And yeah his main driver of business was all the natural resource operations up there and a lot of them shut down, and he was unable to sustain the heli on just park/sightseeing stuff.
AutoModerator t1_j1rzd2f wrote
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