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t1_j69mz1i wrote

Dude, this is a freakin' book cover or movie poster! I love this so much. Hauntingly beautiful.


OP t1_j69n69b wrote

Wow, that’s such a sweet comment. It’s honestly my favorite shot I ever took. Lots of luck involved but I’m always proud to hear people saying nice stuff about my work. Made my day, thanks!


t1_j6a5iva wrote

In the 60s action movie 'Where Eagles Dare' there was a mountain in the background of the airfield scene that was so cool and distinctive that I had to look up what it was - and it was this one


t1_j6aejr0 wrote

A masterpiece of a picture. At least for my untrained eyes. If you don't mind, I'll download this and use as a desktop background.


t1_j6c5oto wrote

What a cool looking mountain. Always a personal highlight when I'm driving through this valley. Have you ever been up there? If yes, how was it difficulty-wise?

Great picture!


t1_j6cs8ya wrote

Reminds me in Zelda Ocarina of Time in the Watertemple when you fight the Mirror Image.


t1_j6dh9tm wrote

Der Grimming ist einfach einzigartig. War im letzten Sommer oben. Unfassbar schön!