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PHOTO500 t1_j6l3by9 wrote

10 miles west of Boston.


Will-Nye OP t1_j6l9qy2 wrote

Actually around 20 miles


NYCstray t1_j6lp9my wrote

Is this some sort of inside joke? Isn’t Telluride in Colorado?


Rdbjiy53wsvjo7 t1_j6lpyvq wrote

It's a joke from the show The Last of Us.

This past episode they had a scene just outside of Boston, by 10 miles, and it looked very similar to this. I'll admit, I've only been to Boston once, but the scenery really didn't seem to "fit" the location. A lot of fans commented on it.


Lustypad t1_j6moa7l wrote

That’s because it’s shot in Calgary Alberta. Not far off in scenery from Colorado.