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LivesInaYurt OP t1_j5p7vpm wrote

Thanks so much :) It was a beautiful hike and definitely going early (7am) was a good call because even on the way down the trail was already getting crowded. Was amazed by the overall quality of hiking in Sedona. What a magical place!


[deleted] t1_j5qbpnw wrote



LivesInaYurt OP t1_j5qdiw8 wrote

We got to the trailhead around 0745 and were probably the third or fourth car there. When we got to the bridge, it was about 830-45 and there was just 3 people up there. I think the fact that it was on a weekday, had been poor weather for days, and a big storm was coming in (it started snowing hard about an hour after the picture was taking) meant it was relatively quiet.


D45ers t1_j5qj8g7 wrote

I’ve been here 4 times. The first 3 times everyone was doing what they wanted, hanging out on the bridge it was a good times. Last time I went there was a huge line to take a photo on it and everyone was getting all pissy about walking around the line to Continue walking further as there is another trail. It was super lame last time I went


MOE999cow t1_j5rd7v4 wrote

I feel pretty lucky then. I've only been once, when I was visiting a friend the December before covid. It was a comfortable 70⁰ out and a small handful of people up there. But plenty of space to go out on the bridge and get some good photos.

Ya know, Sedona is kinda weird. It's an area where outside of the town is some absolutely amazing trails and views. However, the town itself can eat a bag of dicks. One of the biggest tourist trap towns I've ever been to. Every other store is selling crystals or energy maps (I don't even remember what they were?) and the cheapest food I was able to find was a $9 corn dog. And it was just mediocre. But the surrounding area was super pretty.


D45ers t1_j5rn6cz wrote

Ya it was my first time going there in the age of tik tok and influencers growing more popular. Completely ruined the bridge and I’ll never go back. Really beautiful place but just not worth dealing with the people trying to gate keep nature


FLTA t1_j5ufgkl wrote

Establishing a line to take a picture of a scenic spot isn’t “gate keeping” it is being respectful of others.


D45ers t1_j5ujiyk wrote

Oh boy do I wish you were there lol. They weren’t respectful at all. I got cussed at for walking around the line to keep going on the trail, not accessing the bridge. Also their line was 2 feet away from a sheer drop. The whole way down the line. This was a night and day difference to the other 3 times I went there. That’s what happens when it’s an easy hike and anyone without trail etiquette can get to the spot Edit: this is also coming from someone who has hiked every major superstition peak, Mt. Humphries multiple times and a ton of other popular spots in AZ. Never have I experienced such a shit show


Sauce0nSide t1_j5qdo2f wrote

In August my partner and I hit this trail at 5am (in the dark with headlamps) and we had the bridge to ourselves for all of 10 minutes. We hung around a bit and had more time alone as people came and went, but on the way back we passed more than a hundred people making their way.

Everywhere in Sedona is gorgeous, but overall I would say it's the single most overrated hike there.


ric820 t1_j5qj366 wrote

You're right, it is probably a bit overrated when you compare it to some of the other amazing hikes and views around Sedona. But for someone that "ain't from around here" it is pretty damn cool. Plus, easily accessible, fairly quick to complete, and you don't have to be a mountain goat to complete it. It's no wonder it's so popular.


ignorantwanderer t1_j5qmbg9 wrote

I spent a bit over a week in Sedona, hiking every day on different hikes.

I generally would only see a handful of people on hikes, but on the Devil's Bridge hike I saw 100's of people!

And it really isn't all that great of a hike. But I had a fun time watching all the other people. There was a huge variety of people! I was really happy to see so many people out enjoying nature.

It is such a popular hike because it is short, and because people get hard-ons for natural bridges. Otherwise the hike doesn't have much going for it.


LivesInaYurt OP t1_j5qjmfn wrote

To be honest, given its popularity, we were thinking of skipping it but are glad we didn't. While I agree that there are better (and more secluded hikes), it's a pretty spectacular formation and we were also incredibly lucky with the weather.


ric820 t1_j5qkmf5 wrote

I've never seen it with snow on it. After seeing your pic, I now really want to. Sedona and Moab are my "happy places and I am now going to plan a "winter" trip and hope to get lucky with the weather. Thank you for sharing, brightened my day.


LivesInaYurt OP t1_j5qkw8e wrote

So happy to hear that! We definitely weren't expecting snow when we went and I'm glad it wasn't too icy because it was so beautiful.


youcannotowntheland t1_j5t8nd5 wrote

What hikes do you recommend over this one? I'll be there in a few weeks and looking for hikes to do


jsabo t1_j5rdcax wrote

I was wondering why there weren't any footprints in the snow.


IsThatAPieceOfCheese t1_j5tqpe2 wrote

At that spot, people are kind enough to "take turns" walking out on the bridge itself (the line for it would be a couple of people off to the right of this photo or even behind where this person is standing. Having said that, the lack of footprints on the bridge is a big surprise, but maybe because its slippery af and/or first people there that morning.