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t1_j3eiq3b wrote

What was it like?? Tell me anything, Iā€™m obsessed with polar travel


OP t1_j3em2bq wrote

We were on a small ship, so I spent a lot of time outside taking photos as things went by. There were a fair number of other ships, and there was a well-enforced limit on how many people could be on land at a time, so there was a fair amount of waiting for our turn. I spent some of that waiting time talking to the people who had been there before or who had other special knowledge (there was a penguin specialist, an astrophysicist, an geologist, a record holding kayaker, etc., not to mention some impressive photographers). Sometimes we didn't land at all, but toured the shoreline (or icebergs) in a zodiac. I really enjoyed that the wildlife was unafraid, so while we didn't walk right up to them (as we had been instructed about), they sometimes came right up to us.