notaguyinahat t1_j6gazjm wrote
I've found it very difficult to find shots of many of the Canadian Rockies. I was looking up some place called Mt Hooker which seems to be a massive peak in the Rockies, previously believed to be one of the tallest, and there's information on it but not photos. Must be some remote hiking up there. Have fun!
whoknowshank t1_j6h741r wrote
Tons of remote territory in the Rockies. I’d say 80-90% of the shots you see are of the same 4-5 main lookouts in Banff and sometimes Jasper.
If you are willing to hike or bike, and have a vehicle to get to more remote start points, you get some amazing views. Lots of well maintained trails that tourists don’t really hit.
I hiked Picklejar lakes last summer and it was amazing!! Hardly anyone out and gorgeous views.
Br81 OP t1_j6jcw5g wrote
Jack brauer has a few shots of that peak I believe. The photography possibilities in the Canadian Rockies are endless but sometimes you have hike a bit.
notaguyinahat t1_j6jemwh wrote
Oh man I'll have to hunt around. It would be awesome for my history unit
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