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SplodyPants t1_j6jtv1b wrote

You'll be ok. If you see a gator just knock him in the head with a stump


Dommdivaa OP t1_j6jul0i wrote

What about kicking/punching them in the nose like sharks?


SplodyPants t1_j6jvbvs wrote

Oh I wouldn't suggest either. That's actually from an old song I learned playing GTA San Andreas.

"It ain't legal huntin' gator in the Looseeanna swamp boy!"


smokeymodelo t1_j6k3mm4 wrote

That song is named Amos Moses by Jerry Reed.


SplodyPants t1_j6k4r15 wrote

Cool! Thanks. I never knew the name. I don't listen to country music but I always loved that song. I just listened to it on spotify. That guy played the truck driver in Smokey and The Bandit!