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drspacemanobgyn t1_j95nq3w wrote

Actually, the most notable is that there are no words that end in “n” except for gin


speedcunt t1_j95uj8d wrote

Wrong: abdómen, cólon, éden, espécimen, glúten, hífen, hímen, pólen, sémen, plâncton, líquen...


hyprarmadillr t1_j96h0yu wrote

Those seem like mostly loan words from other languages though


speedcunt t1_j96jg8x wrote

OMG you're right! They do seem a lot like Latin! Oh wait...


Overall-Ad-3642 t1_j9c6vyw wrote

Mainly english, but yeah we've got plenty of words ending in the letter n.

Maybe not in 1400's portugese but in modern portugese we do