EelgrassKelp t1_ja9ou14 wrote
Live that place. Thanks for posting it!
lukascwb OP t1_jaa9yrj wrote
Its my favourite photo from last summer's roadtrip to the rockies, also one of my favourite places on earth. Hoping to go back this summer for camping and hiking some of the peaks.
FredFlintston3 t1_jaakgp9 wrote
*Athabasca Still lovely.
wpnw t1_jaaqwls wrote
That's the North Saskatchewan River, not the Athabasca.
fuzzyloulou t1_jabip5u wrote
NOT_PC_Principal t1_jablebw wrote
Can't wait until I visit this place in the summer. Mountains look so gorgeous.
PleaseDontBeAJerkOff t1_jac75ve wrote
its minus 11 inside my kettle
I didn't come to get lost in the barrens
I didn't come to settle
wpnw t1_jae03td wrote
That's nearby to where your picture was taken, but it's several kilometers to the northwest. Look at the shape of the mountain and compare it to your picture - doesn't line up. Your picture is of Mount Wilson, the mountain visible in the streetview link is Mount Amery.
Either way, this is still along the North Saskatchewan River. The Athabasca River is in Jasper National Park - this is in Banff.
[deleted] t1_jae88d9 wrote
lukascwb OP t1_jaejk3d wrote
Holy smokes, I am so confused right now.
I found another little side road spot I remember stopping at and it aligns perfectly. I am marking this spot, thank you so much for this. I REALLY wanna go back to swim there this summer!
wpnw t1_jaeq53n wrote
Yep, that's the spot. Stopped there many times myself.
AutoModerator t1_ja9hfxe wrote
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