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[deleted] t1_jahneu5 wrote



Tsu-Doh-Nihm t1_jaj3k6q wrote

The "clean" countries outsource pollution to the country that cares the least about the environment.


cowet t1_jak0ajg wrote

That's too bad, hopefully they reverse course for the sake of their people


DavidLedeux t1_jai1p3u wrote

Don't worry, we'll offset the environmental damage from this any day now with our reusable canvas bags, paper straws, and spontaneously combusting EVs.


LanternCandle t1_jaj3sez wrote

Yeah we shouldn't make any changes ever, and if someone dares to say otherwise they are probably a socialist!


DavidLedeux t1_jajbwxm wrote

Oh no, I'm pro-Democratic socialism - I think we're having a bit of a miscommunication here. The intent of my previous comment was to illustrate that no matter what the average person does to mitigate their carbon footprint, ours are a drop in the bucket compared to those of major corporations in China (and elsewhere, I should add). I'm not anti- any of the things listed, it just sucks to have cardboard in my drink and to remember to bring my own bags, when there are such lax regulations for Chinese (and other nations') corporations when it comes to dangerous waste and emissions, which is a much larger contributor than anything private citizens do. I hope that clears things up; if I were a betting person, I think we want the same outcome here.


AmpEater t1_jaitzaz wrote

Evs are the non-combustable vehicle if you care about reality


DavidLedeux t1_jaj2b0k wrote


DannyChucksOne t1_jajbe5t wrote

You're using a website owned and funded by people who short Tesla stock. If that's your basis of evidence, try harder.

The data clearly shows that EVs account for a smaller percentage of fires than ICE cars.

Maybe ask yourself why they haven't updated their claim statistics for over 5 years.

They also skew their numbers by logging any incident involving a Tesla product which results in a fire. So if I crash my ICE car into your Tesla and they both catch fire, it goes in the book as a Tesla fire. But hey, why let facts get in the way, huh?


DavidLedeux t1_jajcs0g wrote

Oh, that's a great point I hadn't considered. I'm sure that skews the data a bunch


Information_High t1_jajyrqk wrote

Tesla is not the only EV manufacturer anymore.

Other manufacturers are coming online, and unless Tesla gets its quality and quantity issues straightened out, they're going to be Netflix in five years... the early market-maker that had its lunch eaten by the competition.


DavidLedeux t1_jak1xf4 wrote

Right now they're all like Paramount+: no one has them, no one gives a shit. There's going to come a day where they're going to have to do some kind of cash for clunkers type buyback program or something. But again, going back to my original point, US auto emissions are a drop in the bucket compared to the waste that corporations in China and elsewhere get away with dumping.


Information_High t1_jal7gic wrote

> no one has them, no one gives a shit.

Objectively untrue.

Ford's F-150 Lightning has received rave reviews, and Ford has been ramping up their production efforts in recent months.

Tesla's ridiculous Cybertruck is DOA at this point, and while their other models are still mostly ahead of the competition, only a lunatic would assume that's going to last for too much longer.