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redduif t1_je9gth8 wrote

It’s already more expensive than gas per 100km. Not sure which one is bound to rise more.

But if it makes gas demands decline, it might lower gas prices. And then wait for electricity taxes to be upped again…

Eta : Care to explain the downvotes? This is not the sciencesub where they downvote any thought other than the published link.

FYI they charge 50-70ct /W at charging stations, at least in France, contrary to the one you upvoted is saying.
Let's say 60ct, for 20kWh per 100km
making it 12€/100km. Did you at least notice this article is about charging stations, not charging at home?

Gas (sp95/sp98) should be
around 10€/100km, but more economic exist.

Other than that I wondered about price evolution, I guess can't ask questions here either.
Another great sub.


skalouKerbal t1_je9oz17 wrote

Not in France at least (around 0.20€/kWh), so around 2€/100km VS ~ 10€/100km for gasoline. and probably most of our neighbouring country in Europe. but Electric vehicules are still more expensive to buy.


redduif t1_jed5346 wrote

They dont charge 0,20 €/W at charging stations, rather 0,60 €/W...


federykx t1_jea3ffj wrote

>if it makes gas demands decline, it might lower gas prices.

short term yes, long term no. It will cause the collapse and resizing of the fossil fuel industry which will end up making fossil fuels more expensive in the long run. No more subsidization, no more economies of scale for equipment manifacturers, no more R&D, will probably be slapped with hefty carbon taxes at some point.