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Semifreak t1_jeaccj9 wrote

Well then it is good that the deadline isn't today.


PartyYogurtcloset267 t1_jeaeab0 wrote

So in less than 3 years every EU country is going to build thousands of charging stations, completely overhaul their electrical gride and start producing several extra gigawatt hours of electricity - presumably - without using fossil fuels? Yes, sounds reasonable.


Poly_and_RA t1_jeal7t5 wrote

Why "thousands"? One charging station per 60km, and only along the main roads that are part of the ten-t network would amount to a few hundred tops for most countries, and in fact odds are many countries will organically have reached this goal before the deadline simply from market-demand and the additional stations that need to be built to fulfill the promise are close to zero.


Semifreak t1_jeci8px wrote


It's strange how some commenters (here and elsewhere) don't just express doubt about future positive plans targets, but are almost barking at anything else commented that isn't completely negative and attacking.

I don't know if they are just having a bad day and venting randomly or something else odd going on.

Humans gonna human, I guess.


brett1081 t1_jeaizot wrote

How many power stations are you approving and building in 3 years. FFS please learn how something, anything works.


Semifreak t1_jechp56 wrote

Well then it is a good thing you aren't the head of the EU council.