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Shiningc t1_jec0je6 wrote

I mean, since the AI can't "reason", they can only propose new solutions randomly and haphazardly. And well, that may work in the same way that the DNA has developed without the use of any reasoning.

But I think what the humans are doing is that they're doing that inside of a virtual simulation that they have created in their minds. And well, since the real world is apparently a rational place, that must require reasoning. This makes us not even have to bother testing in the real world, because we can do it in our minds. And that's why a lot of things are not necessarily tested, because we can reason that it "makes sense" or it "doesn't make sense" and we know that it must fail the test.

When we make a decision and think about the future, that's basically a virtual simulation that requires a complex chain of reasoning. If an AI were to become autonomous to be able to make a complex decision on its own, then I would think that the AI would require a "mind" that works similar to ours.


yeah_i_am_new_here OP t1_jecg2aw wrote

I love the comparison to how DNA has developed. Definitely a great parallel to draw there that I haven't heard before - what a thought!! I agree with everything you're saying. Thanks for the thoughtful replies!