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t1_jd16ncs wrote

you can all say whatever you want about him but that scientist has my respect, he had the balls to do what everyone was and remains too chickenshit to do.

probably be a century before it's "safe" for genome editing in humans.


t1_jd5crbo wrote



t1_jd5kw1q wrote

whatever man the facts are human civilization is evolving way faster than the human body is, you've already got an obesity epidemic and diseases like Crohns that are getting worse and more widespread. It's only a matter of time before more negative effects pop up maybe these will finally be so bad you can't pretend it's not happening anymore.

Genome editing can fix such things but people including yourself apparently are too terrified of it's abuse to let it do anything.


t1_jd5p6j6 wrote



t1_jd69ky2 wrote

straight? it's nearly been a decade, how many decades do you want before you consider the possibility of bio-engineering babies? 2? 4? 7? eventually the health issues brought about by pollution will get much worse and the last generation to be impacted by them is going to blame everyone who was deliberately dragging their feet on this and they'll be right to do so.


OP t1_jcxdd79 wrote

From the article:

"The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing has concluded, and experts have come to a consensus that, “Heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time,” according to their statement. There has ben a lot of hype surrounding the Nobel-prize winning tool CRISPR-Cas9, and it has been revolutionary for the biomedical laboratory. But there appears to still be a significant number of technical challenges that have to be overcome before this approach can be used to edit the genome of human embryos. This is even before we grapple with the ethical implications."


t1_jcxfu4y wrote

The following submission statement was provided by :

From the article:

"The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing has concluded, and experts have come to a consensus that, “Heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time,” according to their statement. There has ben a lot of hype surrounding the Nobel-prize winning tool CRISPR-Cas9, and it has been revolutionary for the biomedical laboratory. But there appears to still be a significant number of technical challenges that have to be overcome before this approach can be used to edit the genome of human embryos. This is even before we grapple with the ethical implications."

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t1_jd23er0 wrote

50 years later they will keep saying the same thing