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rixtil41 t1_jdpg6le wrote

I might be downvoted, but a dictorship might not be bad if done right. To give an example in a group dictorship, each one takes care of different sectors of society. Consistency and efficiency could be a lot higher in society.


SatoriTWZ t1_jdrlaxd wrote

some things are more important than efficiency. e.g. egality and freedom.


rixtil41 t1_jds8pa3 wrote

Freedom relative to the majority. The majority dictate the minority.


SatoriTWZ t1_jdsgfxh wrote

so better let the minority dictate the majority?^^


rixtil41 t1_jdsgpvy wrote

yes, just not every time in every single thing. Because sometimes the majority does not always know what's best for themselves


rixtil41 t1_jdshyrc wrote

Would you rather have a bad but free life or a good but dictated life?