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t1_jeepmwy wrote

How much do you think it's going to cost to implement? This tech is going to be able to run on smart phones. If they can lower wages by only $5 per hour by hiring someone less skilled but able to be equally efficient by using new tech, the break even point after one year is about $10k.


OP t1_jeer31a wrote

Everything is costly on launch but eventually will have massive adoption. But I think an do all robot will never be cheap, because the complexity, the materials, maintenance, contingency plan. I think the future is well equiped humans.


t1_jeesyru wrote

These are already the lowest paid jobs, it's not like you'll be able to lower wages. I question how AI will increase the productivity of the jobs that are largely dependent on manual labour. It's not going to make the food cook faster, it's not going to make the server run and cover more tables, it's not going to make the construction worker put in nails or lay the flooring faster.

So the only benefits would the to be able to hire less skilled workers, but there is more to work than just knowing how to do a job. You need hand-eye coordination, you need physical strength etc. So there are other factors limiting the labour pool and pushing up the wages, not just mental factors.