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imakenosensetopeople t1_je39e5r wrote

Correction: the wealthy will achieve immortality. Us poors will not have it in our lifetime.


Alchemystic1123 t1_je5h8qp wrote

That's not how AI and the future works, these technologies are far too widespread and ubiquetous to only be limited to a select few for very long, and when they ARE only available to a select few, they are at a stage where they don't work very well anyways. Look at cellphones. It's just like that, but much faster.


B-Town-MusicMan t1_je3b3al wrote

"I'm 105. Does it show? The day comes when you've had enough. Your mind can be spent even if your body's not."


Muiluttelija t1_je4qlw0 wrote

Can’t a mind be spent at 50? Or 25? Certainly I would like to find out when mine would, and a possibility to live longer could help in that. I am quite sure my grandpa didn’t want to die when he did.


TarTarkus1 t1_je3d711 wrote

Yeah, I'd say that this is unfortunately more likely to happen than not. Especially given how ChatGPT is currently privatized.
