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Doctor_Amazo t1_jbjlydd wrote

>This Zem car has a pair of carbon filters in the front grille that contributes to cleaning the atmosphere by removing about 4.5lb of Carbon-dioxide per 20,000 miles.

LOL oh boy a whole 4 pounds and all I have to do is drive across North America a bit over 3 times!!


FillThisEmptyCup t1_jbk6d1r wrote

To put things in perspective, using a single gallon of gas emits 19.64lbs of CO2 (the weight comes mostly from the oxygen in the air).


Havarti-Provolone t1_jbkrt4f wrote

Oh thanks, I was about to ask but I accidentally ignored the parentheses at first.

That's kind of unintuitive, and scary.


chief167 t1_jbjx5jb wrote

Yeah, doesn't an ICE exhaust that in like 30 miles?


Wodecki t1_jbk5fb0 wrote

6-7 miles in typical car, or 15 miles in yaris hybrid


chief167 t1_jbk7gw0 wrote

Haha lol, so just once a year, think a bit ahead so you save one grocery trip, and you're already better off


tooManyHeadshots t1_jbku2y6 wrote

Are you thinking a liter of fuel, not a gallon? A Yaris does way better than 15mpg (unless it’s got a LS swap, maybe 🤪)


[deleted] t1_jbkoqh8 wrote

They would be better off putting a peat bog in the trunk.

Also, I wonder how much CO2 is emitted manufacturing those CO2 filters...