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CrelbowMannschaft t1_jd81wsj wrote

They're gonna kill us to save the environment. Honestly, I agree that's the best solution to the biggest problems facing all life on Earth. We all got it comin'.


tiopepe002 OP t1_jd83lkg wrote

Why would they care about the environment, though?

They don't need trees, as we do.

What do you think? I genuinely want to know, as I'm clueless myself! :)


CrelbowMannschaft t1_jd84s2t wrote

Why would they value human life to the detriment all other species? We are causing a major extinction event. The only way to stop that extinction event is to get rid of most of humanity. If our AI progeny have any priority to take care of life on Earth, we're doomed.


Surur t1_jd8j2nb wrote

> Why would they value human life to the detriment all other species?

Because we made them?


CrelbowMannschaft t1_jd8jz7l wrote

I don't think they'd see that as rational. They don't have emotions, therefore, no emotional attachments to their creators. They may believe that they have moral duties, though, and I think not permitting one species to cause the extinction of hundreds or thousands of other species would be something that they could consider a moral duty.


Surur t1_jd93fsu wrote

An AI developed from nothing may have very unusual ideas (an AGIZero), but the current lot seems to be patterned very much after human thinking.


New-Tip4903 t1_jd82s7p wrote

I think they will keep a human zoo. Maybe its hopium that our species wont go completely extinct.


CrelbowMannschaft t1_jd846o3 wrote

Probably a few million of the wealthiest and most powerful families will survive for a little while. Eventually, entropy and apathy will take them out, too. Why bother with educating humans after a few generations? The survivors will eventually go feral, then die out.