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SeneInSPAAACE t1_jdqm5t9 wrote

>Citation needed for an empirical truth about feelings. Lol! Please, tell me, how do you feel without a body?


We have a neural network that is running a program. A part of that program is a model called "homunculus". We have sensory inputs, and when we get certain inputs which are mapped to the homunculus, we feel pain.

If I'm being REALLY generous with you, I might give you the argument that one needs to have a MODEL for a body to experience pain the way humans do. However, who's to say that the way humans feel pain is the only way to feel pain - and this isn't even getting into emotional pain.


infiniflip t1_jdqo7j7 wrote

So you’re saying an entity that doesn’t have a human body can feel the human/animal interpretation of pain?


SeneInSPAAACE t1_jdqooes wrote

Yes, but it would have to be explicitly made that way, pretty much.