Submitted by kittensfly t3_11pcmup in Futurology

If you could have a thinking buddy sidekick, AI or whatever there is in the future. What would you use is for and what would be it’s nickname? 😋



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leaky_wand t1_jbxxv4x wrote

I would probably have a few. I’d want a responsible one, a fun one, and a crazy one. It’d be like a conversation tree in an RPG where there’s always a good answer, a silly answer, and an insane answer. I need that option to make me laugh (and occasionally listen to).


[deleted] t1_jbxcern wrote

Hal would help me by keeping my schedule and reminding me when I have appointments and the like. I have a terrible time remembering what I have committed to. Also he would remind me of people’s names.

I’d also want stock and property market trends, and information specifically in the energy market. He would need to integrate seamlessly into my home network and my car. I would want him to give context to headlines so I don’t have to actually read the article. Basically do the function of a high level C suite team, but look like a digital pet, similar to Ghost or Cortana. I like the idea of a little floating antigravity toy floating near my head, with the computing power of a $10k pc and RGB to match.


kittensfly OP t1_jbzann1 wrote

I really like the idea of giving context to headlines. 💪💪 There’s a lot going on in news stories in particular and often a lot of the details are left out for brevity or other more nefarious purposes. 👎🏼

I’d have mine in my AR glasses and that stuff could pop up in a conversation with someone or when reading the paper 👍


bakayen t1_jbx91h3 wrote

I would ask it to track my health and my mother's, making sure that we are always in a healthy state and that either of us can be alerted if something happens.

I would also have the assistant brain help me in finding new side-jobs since I do need the money. Would also have it plan out future things to learn and help me in taking up any hobbies like subsistence farming (it could automatically determine best way to plant, detect if there are any issues, and offer help).

Might also use it to help me write out the ideas I have for novels/fanfics/games. Once we get personalized AI, I have the feeling that customized games will be somewhat possible...

I will then ask it to help with being more sustainable in terms of energy and water usage. Help me with proper recycling too, since my country's disposal system is literal trash.

What would I call it? Probably would just name it Prosperity since that's what I wish for myself and everybody around me.


kittensfly OP t1_jbzarsi wrote

Great idea. My parent are aging as well. The old body seems to like to surprise you.


Lowleight t1_jbxd1cg wrote

Domius- he could lend me his hand in inventing new things


Depressto t1_jbxejcl wrote

Since I’m adhd, a personal assistant would be ideal. I would need it to gamify and track things in my day to day life by making up for my lack of working memory and giving me dopamine rewards for completing tasks. Like a quest log in an MMO. Lastly I would name it, “id” or iddy. Since I would be the “ego” of sorts.


kittensfly OP t1_jbza3fn wrote

Yeah like a virtual reminder list who taps you on the shoulder when is best to do so. 👍


O_for_a_muse_of_fire t1_jby8rbd wrote

I can't think outside of the box or see the forest for the trees, so my thinking buddy would point out if there's a better and/or easy way to solve problems, remind me of things I need to do, and keep me on schedule. I would name him "Mycroft," and he would speak to me in Mark Gatiss' voice and be just as snarky as he was on "Sherlock." I wouldn't care if I had to pay extra for copyright and/or royalties. It would be freakin' WORTH IT!


kittensfly OP t1_jbz9utw wrote

👌. On point. Thats a great idea 🙏🏼. Having a second point of view instantly would be epic.


kittensfly OP t1_jbx3xa8 wrote

Because we know so little about some of our underlying motives. I’d call mine ‘Specktor’ because it could listen to what others say, understand their perspective and present to me what they cannot present themselves. 👌


phine-phurniture t1_jc0h85b wrote

I would call mine al give him archy bunkers voice and use him as a reference tool.


Doompug0477 t1_jc1ibt0 wrote

"Yes, have met this person before. Here is their name and relevant background. You want to bring up these items in conversation. "

(Under my breath: Thank you Jesus"