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ToothlessGrandma t1_je3qji2 wrote

You're never going to get that until there's an AGI that exists. It's a big leap from having a vacuum that goes around your house to a robot that walks around and does chores. It's probably the equivalent of difficulty scale to having a plane vs being able to land on the moon. This is something I'm not surprised doesn't exist.


gvsteve t1_je4lnnr wrote

Really? I thought we were already about 70 or 80% of the way to self driving cars, and I figured identifying, picking up and moving laundry to a hamper would be of similar difficulty, but with far less danger if errors happen.


dryuhyr t1_je4obhz wrote

Kinda half agree, but I think the difference is you’re leaving your robot alone.

Think of how scared people get that they left the oven on. The oven, is literally made to be ran on max power for half a day at a time. Which will likely do nothing but char your chicken nuggets to a crisp and leave smoke in the house. But because you’re away from home it’s unknown and who knows, maybe everything could catch fire.

If a robot can recognize clothes on the ground, use a dexterous limb to grab them and put them in the washer, turn knobs and then recognize the ding saying clothes are done, are you REALLY ABSOLUTELY 100% SURE that it’s never ever going to accidentally turn the knob on the oven instead? Or press the phone buttons, or pick up the cat and put it in the dryer? Or knock over the vase of flowers onto the electrical socket?

I think robots will need to be MUCH smarter before most people start getting comfy with them touching their shit.