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great_healthy_cook t1_jc8b5ns wrote

Anything that requires quite complicated manual dexterity seems safe for a while. Ie plumber, electrician, decorater etc


AppliedTechStuff t1_jcbeo33 wrote

I'm glad you said "for a while."

It'll take a while...

But over time, robotic-fueled, prefab-manufactured as well as on site "printing" of foundations, wiring, and plumbing will eventually take care of skilled work as well.

(Robots are already executing surgery.)


DeltaV-Mzero t1_jc9bhek wrote

“A while” being like 5 years tops


great_healthy_cook t1_jc9cab8 wrote

I give it 20-30. Think about what it would take to create a robot that can go into your house, crawl into your crawlspace (everybody's is different), analyse the specific problem that your house has, fit new pipes/wires including turning off your electricity or water supply, something which is also specific to each house. How long have we been told that self driving cars are 2 years off? Because as an engineer, this is a much more complicated problem.


hazyheadd t1_jca2m19 wrote

But soon enough AI will be able to design AI hands and bodies and then we'll build them for them