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myselfelsewhere t1_iqxof6h wrote

>You understand Costa Rica is the size of West Virginia and has more opportunities to use thermal power and wind power than the majority of the world?

Scotland. 97% powered by renewable sources in 2020. Similar time period to Costa Rica for number of days powered 100% by renewables.

>The grid needs spinning inertia to be stable. You will not be able to ever run 100% renewable with today's technology.

That's what you wrote. I'm pointing out that there is "spinning inertia" even with renewables, and it is possible to supply power with 100% renewables, contrary to your claim.

> My only point was that right now in the United States we can't go 100% renewable.

Then why didn't you write that, instead of what you actually wrote?

>There isn't enough renewable spinning inertia to do it

All renewable sources except PV have "spinning inertia". And it has been proven to be possible to supply 100% of power via renewable sources.