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t1_iremwtp wrote

Anywhere between 12 weeks and a few decades?


t1_irg7uzf wrote

I believe China performed CRISPR on a few individuals by inserting genes of people who are naturally immune to HIV. It was already done, it’s just unreasonably expensive to do on every single individual. That was reported a few years ago and then the people and the scientists disappeared. There was also the case in Germany where somebody had a stem cell transplant from an individual who had natural immunity to HIV and that recipient became HIV negative. It’s another example of somebody who is cured of HIV, but it’s way too expensive and risky to do on the average person


t1_irh8lzs wrote

Thats very cool, i havnt looked into China's research on crisper treatments yet. From my understanding generally the treatments are not expensive to make at all after R&D, and would be pennies compared to a life long regime of drugs. It's just not profitable enough to make a cure readily available.


t1_irhryuy wrote

>There was also the case in Germany where somebody had a stem cell transplant from an individual who had natural immunity to HIV and that recipient became HIV negative.

That is wild. The human body is so adaptable, it's incredible